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Приветствие Министра промышленности и торговли РФ Д.В.Мантурова
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Индустриальные парки и ОЭЗ России 2020
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Каталог всех площадок России
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ОПЕРАТИВНЫЙ ДИАЛОГ Индустриальные парки
Самое актуальное сегодня и завтра
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Services and facilities
Association services
Certification, analytics, production site selection, educational programmes and other AIP Russia services
Localisation services
Consulting, engineering survey, design, construction and other professional services rendered by the leading partnering companies
Services and privileges for members of the AIP Russia
Collective marketing and direct access to production location requests
Our daily efforts are aimed at promoting the sites and services of AIP members under the brand "Industrial Parks of Russia". Thanks to the partner network, events and Internet resources, we attract direct requests (to the site, suppliers and contractors) from companies planning to set up production in Russia. For systematic work with inquiries, the Association provides a free service for any industrial companies from Russia and the whole world for the qualified selection of a site / suppliers / contractors for setting up a production in Russia. This is a mutually beneficial cooperation both for investors who receive a wide range of offers, and for AIP members who expand the incoming stream of requests. The Association never acts as an agent or intermediary. Having received a request for the placement of production, with the consent of the investor, we immediately send it along with the technical parameters directly to the members of the Association and only to them.

Prompt dialogue with the government on industry regulation and federal support
AIP of Russia, in the interests of its members, is in close working contact with the relevant ministries (the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia), government organizations, development institutions and is an active participant in the preparation and expert discussion of amendments to regulatory legal acts on industrial parks, SEZs and their state support. Members of the AIP of Russia have the opportunity, both directly with the help of the Association, and indirectly through the Association, to express their opinion on the regulatory regulation of the industry, the changes that are being prepared, to make their proposals and come up with new initiatives.
AIP Russia regularly informs its members about changes in legislation and state policy in relation to industrial parks and SEZs and, if necessary, provides its members with individual support in relations with government authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The right to use the corporate identity of the AIP of Russia
Members of the AIP of Russia are given the legal right to use in their promotional materials the special sign “Member of the Association of Industrial Parks of Russia”. The AIP Russia trademark is registered by Rospatent of Russia and the rights to it are protected in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The collective brand "Industrial Parks of Russia" is gaining recognition in investment circles in Russia and many countries of the world. It is an understandable tool with a positive reputation backed up by hundreds of success stories.
Personal account on the industry portal
By authorizing on the Portal through their personal account, all members of the Association receive:
1) Access to all applications from investors submitted to the Association, indicating their current status;
2) The ability to independently post your own news on the Portal of industrial parks and SEZ of Russia in the "Industry news" section;
3) Access to the regulatory framework of the industry and documents of the Association;
4) Access to all analytical materials and electronic publications of the Association;
5) Ability to update the profile of your organization on the portal www.indparks.com
Free participation in AIP events and analytical projects
Every year we hold about 20 of our own events, in which we guarantee members of the Association free participation upon registration within the stated time frame. Members of the Association have priority to participate with speeches, reports and presentations. Members of the Association are granted the right to publish their materials on the portal www.indparks.ru in the "Industry News" and "Analytical Articles and Publications" sections, as well as the opportunity to place their branded materials in thematic collections of articles and analytical publications of the AIP of Russia. Any expert material on industrial parks, localization, industrial design and construction that claims to be new or of interest to industry peers and investors is welcome.
Preferential participation in business missions and educational projects
For interested members of the Association, we organize and conduct business missions to foreign countries in order to attract investors / clients. Training seminars or workshops can be organized upon prior request. We finance such events exclusively from the participants and do not use the proceeds from membership fees. However, there is always a discount for the members of the Association and priority participation in the program is guaranteed.
Methodological assistance of the association
Members of the Association can count on our methodological assistance on the concepts of industrial parks, search for partners, interaction with authorities. Methodological assistance consists in individual consultations from our employees, as well as in the provision of methodological materials, and in the provision of contacts of our partners. Consultations can be carried out either in person at our office or by e-mail.
AIP partner network
To promote the interests of our members, we are constantly developing a partner network in Russia and abroad. We are ready to organize contacts and meetings for our members with any of our members and / or partners. AIP's partners are the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Industrial Development Fund, the Fund for the Development of Single-Industry Towns, the Russian-German Chamber, the Japanese Association for Trade with Russia ROTOBO, the Austrian Chamber of Economics WKO, the Association of Italian Entrepreneurs Confindustria Russia and others. A complete list of partners with a description of cooperation is given on the AIP Russia website in the PARTNERS section.
Industrial parks certification
In February 2011, the Association of Industrial Parks launched Russia's first voluntary certification system for industrial parks
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AIP Winter Meeting 2020
Industrial parks
Supervisory Board of SEZ "Alabuga"
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