Since its establishing Association of industrial parks actively cooperates with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on the issues of investors relations and industrial parks government support.
AIP experts are the members of expert groups and committees under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.
Thus, Boris Sytchev, Head of certification and analytics, is in the Commission on industrial park project evaluation for compliance with conditions for subsidising of industrial parks within government program "Economic development and innovative economy" for 2017 from Association of industrial parks.
Moreover, Maxim Pazdnikov, AIP Cochairman of the Board, is a member of the expert group for examination of requests from Russian regions on issues of activities financing under the government program on SME support by the entities of the Russian Federation.
In 2016 under the program of SME support by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation 17 industrial parks including 13 AIP members - Master, Drozhzhanoe, Aktanysh, Vyatka, Kukmor, Zarechnyy, Fenix, Kizhevatovo, Safonovo,Tomsk, Cheboksary, Tutaev and Rodniki got 1 104 mln. rubles on the cost reimbursement and construction subsiding
In 2015 17 industrial parks got 1 424 mln. including 13 AIP members - Avangard, Master, Razvitie, Sokury, Technopolis Chimgrad, KZSK, Vyatka, Novosheshminsk, Fenix, Kizhevatovo, Safonovo, Tomsk, Cheboksary