Sale / Rent
Special Economic Zone «St. Petersburg»
St. Petersburg
197350, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Doroga v Kamenku, 74
Type of park
Form of ownership
Created in
Park status
Management company name
Special Economic Zone «St. Petersburg» LLC
Taxpayer Personal Identification Number (INN) of Management company
Website of industrial park
National management standart GOST R 56301-2014 "Industrial parks. Requirements
Accreditation with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia
SEZs are sites provided with engineering infrastructure with a system of economic incentives to attract investment in priority industries for Russia. This state project is characterized by the provision of a number of state guarantees for its participants, as well as the presence of a special administrative approach in management, which reduces the risks of overcoming bureaucratic barriers. SEZ "Saint Petersburg" was established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 780 dated December 21, 2005 "On the establishment of a special economic zone of a technical and innovative type on the territory of St. Petersburg" in accordance with Federal Law No. 116-FZ dated July 22, 2005 "On Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation". To date, there are 4 SEZ sites in St. Petersburg. The site "Novoorlovskaya" and "Parnas" in the north of the city and in the south of the site "Neudorf" and "Shushary". All 4 sites are located in the immediate vicinity of the ring road. It takes an average of 15 to 40 minutes from each site to the airport, seaport and city center.
Land plot
Total area of industrial park, hectares
337,13 ha
Available area of industrial park for residents allocation, hectares
120 ha
Land category of the industrial park territory
Lands of settlements
Permitted use of land plots in the industrial park
Для размещения объектов делового назначения, в том числе офисных центров – для участка 110 га; Для размещения производственных и административных зданий, строений, сооружений и обслуживающих их объектов – для участка 52 га
Permissible hazard class for companies, structures and other facilities to be located
Legal grounds for the management company s disposal of the industrial park territory
Agreement with the subject of the Russian Federation
Average selling price for the land site, rub./hectare
14147382 rub/ha
Average rental price for the land site, rub./hectare per year
452716 rub/ha per year
Production properties
Available area of industrial park manufacturing buildings/premises, square meters
0 m2
The presence of a crane beam
Average rental price for manufacturing buildings/premises, rub./m2 per year
8400 rub/m2 per year
Total area of industrial park manufacturing buildings/premises, square meters
48833.3 m2
Park Infrastructure
Transport Infrastructure
Existing connection of industrial park to road
Connection of industrial park to the railway
Parking for cargo vehicles on the territory of the industrial park
Power Supply
Electricity (power) supply
Total electricity (power) capacity, MW
73 MW
Free available electricity (power) supply capacity, MW
7,2 MW
Electricity supply source
Connection to external networks
Name of grid company
ПАО "РОССЕТИ Ленэнерго"
The cost of connecting to the power grid on the territory of industrial parks residents, rub/MW
0 rub/MW
Average electricity tariff for industrial enterprises in the industrial park, rub/kWh
8,2 rub./kWh
Voltage level for connection of residents
CH2 (6-10kB)
Reliability category
Gas Supply
Gas supply
Heating Supply
Heating supply
Total heating supply capacity, gigacalories/hour
84,7 Gcal / h
Free available heating supply, gigacalories/hour
19,2 Gcal / h
Heating supply source
Heating network
Heat carrier
Heat supply tariff, rub/gigacalories
3605 rub/Gcal
Water Supply
Water supply
Total water supply capacity, cubic meters/hour
182,3 m3/h
Available water supply capacity, cubic meters/hour
17,5 m3/h
Water supply source
External water utility
Water supply tariff
68,9 rub/m3
Wastewater and Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Sewage system
Storm water drain
Total sewage system capacity, cubic meters/hour
5598,641 m3/h
Available sewage system capacity, cubic meters/hour
3346,31 m3/h
Availability of treatment facilities
Connection to external wastewater disposal systems
Benefits and Government Support
Preferential treatment for businesses
Income tax, %
2% в ФБ в течение 6 налоговых периодов, с налогового периода, в котором получена первая прибыль, 7% в течение последующих 4 налоговых периодов (2% ФБ + 5% РБ), 15,5% по истечении 10 налоговых периодов (2% ФБ + 13,5% РБ). %
Property tax, %
0%, в течение 10 лет с месяца, следующего за месяцем постановки на учет указанного имущества %
Transport tax, %
0%, в течение 5 лет с момента регистрации транспортного средства %
Land tax, %
0%, в течение 5 лет с месяца возникновения права собственности %
Other benefits provided
The amount of payment for the purchase of a land plot is established by the Law of St. Petersburg and is 25% of the cadastral value of the land plot. On the territory of the technical and implementation special economic zone, the customs procedure of the free customs zone is applied. The connection of engineering infrastructure to the boundaries of the land plot is provided free of charge.
Location on the map
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