Sale / Rent
Special Economic Port Zone «Ulyanovsk»
Ulyanovsk region
Russia, Ulyanovsk region, Cherdaklinskiy district, the territory of the Port Special Economic Zone, proezd Industrialny, 15, block 1
Type of park
Form of ownership
Created in
Park status
Management company name
Special Economic Port Zone «Ulyanovsk»
Taxpayer Personal Identification Number (INN) of Management company
Website of industrial park
National management standart GOST R 56301-2014 "Industrial parks. Requirements
Accreditation with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia
SEZ “Ulyanovsk” is the only special economic zone of the port type in Russia bordering the territory of an International Airport (Ulyanovsk-Vostochny). The total SEZ land area is 433 ha. Port-type special economic zone is the most functional type of SEZ – suitable both for the localization of production projects and for conducting wholesale trade. The SEZ «Ulyanovsk» management company offers ready industrial premises of Brownfield type and warehouse facilities for rent. There are all types of transport infrastructure, which provides the opportunity to re-export goods. The SEZ «Ulyanovsk» borders the territory of the aviation checkpoint – Ulyanovsk-Vostochny International Airport. The distance to the nearest river cargo port is 17 km. More than 42 companies, including foreign investors from South Korea, Germany, China, Sweden, India, Netherlands and Turkey have already become the SEZ «Ulyanovsk» residents. The main activities of the resident companies are manufacturing, wholesale trade, maintenance and repair of aircrafts. The SEZ «Ulyanovsk» offers one of the best conditions among the Russian SEZs for investment projects. For instance, 2 % profit tax for the first 10 years, later – 15,5 % for the whole period of the project’s implementation. Investment attractiveness of the SEZ «Ulyanovsk» is determined by the following factors: • the SEZ is financed from both the federal and regional budgets; • ready-made engineering and transport infrastructure with the connection of communications free of charge for residents; • separate customs office: import of foreign goods and machinery without payment of customs duties and VAT with an unlimited storage period; • tax privileges and preferential land purchase conditions; • skilled workforce available for your business; • all types of transport are available; • ready-made production facilities for quick business start-up: an industrial park with an area 30 thousand sq. m., another 6.5 thousand sq. m. are under construction, and additional 33 thousand sq. m. are planned. Ready-made production buildings enable enterprises to enter the market more quickly, and also to reduce the cost of their products at the entry stage. SEZ “Ulyanovsk” is actively developing the composite cluster. The site of SEZ “Ulyanovsk” became part of the Interregional Industrial Cluster “Composites without borders”. Already now there are enterprises from this are among the SEZ residents, for example, the company Galen – a leading domestic manufacturer of modern composite materials, Holzhof Rus produces molded products from wood-polymer composite, Volga-PKM – manufacturer of aircraft components made of polymer composite materials, carbon fiber manufacturer DowAksa will produce laminates for carbon fiber spar caps. Plans for the SEZ "Ulyanovsk" development include construction of housing for employees of resident companies. The successful location on picturesque coast of the Volga river, near to the SEZ, and social world-class infrastructure will provide the most comfortable conditions for doing business.
Land plot
Total area of industrial park, hectares
433 ha
Available area of industrial park for residents allocation, hectares
166.9 ha
Land category of the industrial park territory
Lands for industry, energy, transport, communications, radio broadcasting, television, informatics, land for space activities, land for defense, security and other special purpose land
Permitted use of land plots in the industrial park
Для размещения и эксплуатации объектов портовой (аэропортовой) особой экономической зоны
Permissible hazard class for companies, structures and other facilities to be located
Legal grounds for the management company s disposal of the industrial park territory
Average selling price for the land site, rub./hectare
199160 rub/ha
Average rental price for the land site, rub./hectare per year
53110 rub/ha per year
Production properties
Available area of industrial park manufacturing buildings/premises, square meters
10000 m2
Maximum ceiling height of industrial premises, meters
9 m
The presence of a crane beam
Max floor load
2.5 t/m2
Storage area, square meters
24646 m2
Office areas, square meters
1993,86 m2
Average rental price for manufacturing buildings/premises, rub./m2 per year
3840 rub/m2 per year
Total area of industrial park manufacturing buildings/premises, square meters
24646 m2
Park Infrastructure
Transport Infrastructure
Existing connection of industrial park to road
Connection of industrial park to the railway
Parking for cargo vehicles on the territory of the industrial park
Power Supply
Electricity (power) supply
Total electricity (power) capacity, MW
20 MW
Free available electricity (power) supply capacity, MW
3.6 MW
Electricity supply source
Connection to external networks
Name of grid company
The cost of connecting to the power grid on the territory of industrial parks residents, rub/MW
0 rub/MW
Average electricity tariff for industrial enterprises in the industrial park, rub/kWh
6.56 rub./kWh
Voltage level for connection of residents
CH2 (6-10kB)
Reliability category
Gas Supply
Gas supply
Total gas supply capacity, cubic meters/hour
30000 m3/h
Available gas supply capacity, cubic meters/hour
13128,07 m3/h
Gas supply tariff, cubic meters/hour
5,862 rub/m3
Heating Supply
Heating supply
Water Supply
Water supply
Total water supply capacity, cubic meters/hour
116 m3/h
Available water supply capacity, cubic meters/hour
35 m3/h
Water supply source
External water utility
Water supply tariff
35.18 rub/m3
Wastewater and Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Sewage system
Storm water drain
Total sewage system capacity, cubic meters/hour
406 m3/h
Available sewage system capacity, cubic meters/hour
332.62 m3/h
Availability of treatment facilities
Connection to external wastewater disposal systems
Benefits and Government Support
Preferential treatment for businesses
Income tax, %
2 %
Property tax, %
0 %
Transport tax, %
0 %
Land tax, %
0 %
Other benefits provided
VAT 0% for services provided within SEZ, 0% for goods purchase in Russia and other countries of the Customs Union
Location on the map
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