Dobrograd - 1 SEZ is an industrial site with a special treatment for business activities, which provides a significant number of preferences. Locating production facilities on the territory of such an industrial production zone makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of products in the Russian market by reducing taxes on property, transport, profits, and customs duties. The format of a private SEZ makes it possible to not be dependent on federal funding, to be flexible and efficient in making any decisions, to choose the best technologies and materials, and to provide any services to investors. Dobrograd-1 SEZ is located in Vladimir Oblast, just 5 km from the town of Dobrograd and occupies an area of 211 Ha. On February 3, 2021, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Dobrograd-1 Managing Company entered into an agreement on the management of the Special Economic Zone and the creation of infrastructure facilities necessary for the effective functioning of the industrial site.
Company Industrial Parks
Zvezdny boulevard, b.1, 2 floor, room 20, Dobrograd, Novoselskoe village, Kovrov district, Vladimir Region, Russian Federation, 601967
211 Ha
40 MW
25 m3/h
Tax Benefits
The fleet status does not provide this functionality